Wednesday 26 October 2011

brighton yoga classes

Brighton yoga classes enjoyed trying downward dog up the wall and noticed how it gave more energy from the feet to extend the top of the thighs up and back. Brighton yoga classes also really enjoyed the pranayama time before lunch, and of course the amazing lunch that everyone contributed to. it was a top day, sitting in the sun after a morning of yoga chatting with friends, what more could you ask for on a sunny Sunday!

Brighton yoga classes
is thankful for being part of such a wonderful collective of talented and knowledgeable yoga teachers. the yoga day focused a lot on using yoga blocks under the feet to help waken up the parts of the feet and subsequently the hip of each leg bringing more focus and connection to yoga poses that we might have a tendency to ‘go into auto pilot’ with.

Brighton Yoga Classes is pleased to announce that we are in development of a website. Brighton Yoga Classes is very excited about this new addition and is sure it will bring an added element to spreading the news about Brighton Yoga classes and all of the classes and events that Brighton Yoga Classes is and will be involved with.

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